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Food for pigs, rabbits and poultry


To optimize feed efficiency of pigs, rabbits and poultry


BARLEY MALT FLOURS have several advantages in the food of monogastric annuity (pigs, rabbits and poultry):

  • presence of amylase and β -glucanases promoting a better use of the ration rich in cereals,
  • beneficial effect on the flora, preventing the installation of pathogenic bacteria especially in the young,
  • better use of dietary phosphorus limiting releases to the environment,
  • palatability.

In the food of the adults and at the growing young people, barley malt flours allows an optimization of the food efficiency and digestive health. In the youngest, MALT EXTRACTS facilitate the weaning and their transition to fattening, which are very stressful periods for the animal. This wealth of antioxidants limits the impact on the organism and its palatability favors a maintaining of the level of ingestion.